Monday 17 June 2024

Sunshine and sand over at the Country View Crafts challenge

 Hi everyone it's time for my second blogged design team make for our June Country View crafts challenge hosted over on Facebook where the theme is "Anything seaside".

 You don't need a blog or an Instagram account, just head over to the group and join in with the fun! The link is here and if you are not already a member just request to join and we will warmly welcome you. It is also be a place you can be the first to hear about workshops, the latest releases etc etc. We have a happy membership of over 320 crafters already and we are growing every day. You can enter the challenges up to 5 times as you like as long as you use products or brands which are stocked on the Country View Website. 

I try to link up the products I use in my posts but obviously stock on the CVC website sells out quickly . Some may be out of stock when you click on the links. If they are just fill in the email notification and you will be emailed when they are back in stock. This is the link to the website   Remember that postage is FREE on all UK orders over £20. 

  The prize this month is a fab stash of seaside themed products by Art by Mylene.

I recently bought one of the brand new Andy Skinner stamps Best friends. It has been a while since a new stamp range has had that real WOW factor for lots of people, including me. The crafting world has bought these up by the score but Susan still has a few in stock if you are quick. I teamed it with the shells from the lovely Visible Image At the beach stamp set to make my seaside themed card. A little heads up that this set is now discontinued and Susan is one of the few UK stockists who still has a few in stock. If you would like to add it to your stash act quickly as when they're gone they're gone!

This is how I made my card. First I stamped the girl with  Nocturne Versafine clair ink and the seashells using Acorn.   I also added the lovely sentiment from the Visible Image set underneath her. 

Using squeezed lemonade squeezed lemonade distress ink and a round blending tool round blending tool I made a sun in the sky. 

and grounded the girl on some "sand".

Then using a mix of mermaid lagoon mermaid lagoon and salty ocean distress inks salty ocean distress inks  I created a sky and sea.

I added the inks using a damp paintbrush.

Using vintage photo distress ink I also added some colour to the shells. Here is my finished card again

 Our challenge is open worldwide.

Remember you can find me most days over on Instagram here @jane.tyrrell where I share many, many more makes than I have the time to blog. 

You still have 3 days to enter the June challenge.

Bye for now,

Jane x

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Jane x