Wednesday 28 August 2024

My new pen and brush art pot

 Hello everyone it's time for my fortnightly blogged design team post for Visible Image. Today I am showcasing their fab new MDF Cube divided pot . You may have spotted my sample shown below on their recent 20th anniversary shows on Hobbymaker TV

As you know I love making my art tins in my studio to store all my pens, brushes etc in. I have made many designs over the years. Here is a link to one I blogged from 4 years ago.  Mark Alexander (Mr Visible Image) messaged me a few months ago and told me that he was designing some new MDF products and had an idea to make a square MDF version inspired by my tins. I was delighted to hear this and we discussed heights etc. This finished pot he designed is gorgeous and the divided element mean it holds lots plus you can segregate things within it. I can't wait to get my sample back after the TV shows and use it in my studio. 

This is how I decorated the 4 sides of mine, using 4 of the 18 fantastic new 4" stencils. 

For my makes I used  Eye contact mini  New day Think happy thoughts and Inky Daisy

Photo 1

So onto my tutorial for today. 

I first assembled the box, adding collage medium to the raw ends to make sure it stays securely together.

 I then gessoed the sides to seal the MDF. Once dry I applied 2 coats of white acrylic paint. Working on 1 side at a time I taped a stencil in place and used black texture paste through each stencil.

Photo 2

Photo 3

 When dry I turned the box and repeated this process using the other 3 stencils. (Of course you can cut and use card to decorate and stick this onto the cube sides. Personally I don't think it would be quite as robust as decorating straight onto the MDF. Plus I think it looks a little more "artsy" decorating this "direct" way)

When fully dry I added gold pen detailing to the eye. I also added gold pen to the centre of the daisy.

Photo 4

 I then rubbed on some Treasure gold gilding paste to all the edges and buffed it up to give a lovely metallic sheen. 
Photo 5

Photo 6

I purposely chose not to paint the inside of my pot as I liked the natural effect with my design. Of course  you could do this. Just make sure you paint it after assembling. 

So here it is finished

Photo 7

This is the other view.

Photo 8

And here it is again with of my crafting tools inside.
photo 9

The designs you can create on the new cube divided pot are endless. The new 4"stencils also make it so quick and easy to make something that looks great. You could use your pot on your own craft desk. Or it could be used for storing kitchen tools or anything else around the house. It is also something you could decorate and give as a totally unique gift to a fellow crafter.

 All the Visible Image links are listed below;

 Our kind, friendly and supportive customer Facebook Group is here would be lovely to see you join us.  You will be warmly welcomed and see lots of inspiration from the DT and customers to inspire your own creativity. 
 I also organize a monthly artist trading card swap in the group. Whether you are a new stamper or a seasoned one you are most welcome to join us. Over 150 members, worldwide, have taken part since it started over 3 years ago. It's been such fun and it's so lovely to receive a unique piece of art from your partner in the post. The details and sign up for each swap are posted in the group on the 23rd of the month. So the September  sign up will be in the group next week on 23rd August. There is no "monthly" commitment, just join in when you have the time and if you live in the UK can you choose to post to the UK only if that suits you best.

The main Visible Image Facebook business page is here

Visible Image also has its own You Tube channel here where you can see videos and Lives to give you lots of inspiration and ideas. 

Their Instagram page can be found here 

Pinterest here

and their website is here 

You will also find me on Instagram here; @jane.tyrrell most days, where I share many, many more makes than I have the time to blog. 

Bye for now.

Jane x

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Jane x