Thursday 29 October 2020

Treats not tricks, Halloween 2020

Halloween is just  2 days away and it will be a very different one this year. There will be no rings on the door bell and excited children in costume hoping for some treats for their Halloween buckets. Until my granddaughter was 4 I had no interest in Halloween at all but since she has been Trick or Treating I have totally embraced it!

I will still decorate my porch this year and I have made my treat bags for my big and small babies but sadly that will be it. I so hope that this time next year things will be more normal.

I have been sharing my 2020 Halloween tags over on Instagram over the last month. You can see my posts here or there is a link in my side bar.

I thought today I would show them all together and also give you a little peep inside at the goodies.

My big babies have these in their treat bags

My grandbabies have books, as neither are huge sweet eaters yet, wrapped in hand stamped gift wrap. This is for 3 year old Jack who adores dinosaurs.

and for Daisy, 7, who loves this series.

These are my 2020 tags I made, as a group
Here are the goodies all together
It's been such fun making these ghoulish tags. 

I would like to enter this tag into the following challenges;

Simon says stamp Wednesday anything goes

Simon says stamp Monday movie inspiration mine is The Witches 

Allsorts celebration time mine of course is Halloween

So it's a wrap (literally) for 2020. The treats have all been delivered and will be opened up on Saturday.

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy Halloween however you might be celebrating it (if you do) this year. 

Back soon,

Bye for now,

Jane x


  1. Your tags are just amazing, Jane and I love your hand stamped wrapping paper. Halloween will certainly be very different this year. xx

  2. Your tags are great Jane, so much work goes into them!!
    I'll tell you what else is great too .... those Goo Heads!! ;)
    Happy Halloween my friend,
    V x

  3. Wow.. those tags are a gift in themselves, quite the works of art! My fave is the ghostly woman.

    *H*A*P*P*Y* *H*A*L*L*O*W*E*E*N*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. They look yummy, thanks for joining us at Allsorts, xxx

  5. All your tags are beautiful. But the last one with the bottle is stunning.


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Jane x